Dealing with [history.push] deprecation in react-router-V6

As support for history is deprecated in react-router V6, so in order to navigate user on successful completion of an event we can use navigate

In the react-router-dom v6, the support for history has been deprecated but instead of it navigate has been introduced. if you want to redirect user to a specific page on success of a specific event then follow the steps given below:

Create a file withRouter.js

import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

export const withRouter = (Component) => {
  const Wrapper = (props) => {
    const navigate = useNavigate();

    return (

  return Wrapper;

Now, in whichever class based component you want to redirect the user to a specific path/component, import the above withRouter.js file there and use this.props.navigate('/your_path_here') function for the redirection.

For your reference, a sample code showing the same has been given below:

import React from 'react';
import {withRouter} from '.your_Path_To_Withrouter_Here/withRouter';

class Your_Component_Name_Here extends React.Component{


              Your Component Code Here 

export default withRouter(Your_Component_Name_Here);

In this way we can navigate use to particular URL path on successful completion of an event.